Reform Alert # 17 - Urgent Request for Correct Employee Phone Numbers
Michigan Office of Retirement Services sent this bulletin at 10/12/2012 02:38 PM EDTOctober 12, 2012
Reform Alert # 17 - Urgent Request for Correct Employee Phone Numbers
ORS has identified employees from your district that have discontinued phone numbers. Next week, ORS will be calling all members who have not logged in to miAccount to review their choices for retirement reform. It is vital that we be able to contact these employees in time for them to make their retirement healthcare and, if applicable, retirement plan elections before the October 26th deadline.
Please log into the DEG as soon as possible and access the file BDPHNE to review the list of your employees with discontinued phone numbers. Please provide the correct information no later than 5:00 pm, Wednesday, October 17, 2012.
If the phone number shown in the DEG matches your records, you’ll need to contact the employee to get the correct information. Do not resubmit the same incorrect phone number and do not provide the school’s phone number as a contact number for the employee.
To submit the corrected information, use the attached preformatted spreadsheet, or create a Microsoft Excel or comparable data file. You will need a separate file for each reporting unit that you are responsible for. The next step is to upload your file to the ORSCont mailbox on the Data Exchange Gateway (DEG). (See instructions provided below.)
Your data file must include the following information as separate columns:
- Social Security (Example: xxxxxxxxx no hyphens in text format)
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number 1 including area code (Example: xxxxxxxxxx no hyphens in text format.)
- Phone Number 2 including area code (Example: xxxxxxxxxx no hyphens in text format.)
Please submit the updated information no later than 5:00 pm, Wednesday, October 17, 2012.
If you have questions, please contact employer reporting at (517) 636-0166 or via email at
Thank you for your cooperation.
Employer Reporting
Office of Retirement Services
*Logging into the DEG: Your payroll office will have the DEG User ID and Password for your reporting unit.
Instructions for downloading your file from the DEG are below. The following instructions work with Internet Explorer.
- Navigate to the DEG website at
- Log in.
- The Available Msgs will show all Messages available.
- Locate the file named BDPHNE
- Click on the binary icon to download. The icon appears as the number 10.
- A File Download dialogue box will open. Click the Save button.
- A Save As dialog will open.
- Navigate to the location where you would like to save the file.
- Change the file name to BDPHNE.csv. Note: Make sure you type the .csv ending. If omitted the file will not open properly.
- Change the Save As type to All Files.
- Click the Save button.
- Find the location where the file was saved and double-click on the file name to open it.
Instructions for uploading it to the DEG are below.
- Open your internet browser and enter the DEG address:
- On the Login page, enter your user ID and password, then click on Logon.
- On the next page, click on Upload to request an upload.
- To upload your BDPHNE file enter the following:
- Mailbox MUST be ORSCont.
- Application ID: MUST be ORSCont.
- Transfer Mode: Check the binary radio button.
- File: Click the Browse button to search for the file to upload.
- When the information has been entered click on the Upload button. NOTE: You must not click on any button in the browser until the transfer is complete.
- Wait a few seconds for a lengthening horizontal bar to start moving across the bottom of your browser window. This bar shows the progress of your upload.
- When the transfer is done you will see a message on the screen indicating your file was successfully loaded.
- At this point your upload is complete and you can resume using your browser.
- When finished, click Logout.